ROS Alpha Challenge

Submission Link : Form

Complete The following tutorials in order before starting the challenge

It’s important to understand the first tutorial completely but it might be difficult to understand the second tutorial. Therefore we have written the basic steps to create a ROS package.

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
catkin_create_pkg <package_name> [depend1] [depend2] [depend3]

Dependencies include rospy [for writing code in python] roscpp [for writing code in c++]

cd ~/catkin_ws
. ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

Now it's time to apply the knowledge gained!

Task-0 (1st Submission)

Turtlesim using keyboard

  1. Make a video of about 10 seconds of turtle moving (controlled by arrow keys)
  1. Attach a screenshot of the rostopic list of turtlesim
  1. Attach a screenshot of rosnode list of turtlesim


Create a Package

  1. Create a package (inside the catkin_ws) with the name alpha_challenge with dependencies rospy
  1. Inside the alpha_challenge package folder (which would be inside the catkin_ws folder), create a new folder with the name launch and add this file in the launch folder.
  1. Inside the alpha_challenge package folder, create a new folder with the name scripts and add this file in the scripts folder.
  1. cd to the scripts folder and make the python file executable with this command
    chmod u+x
  1. Don’t forget to do catkin_make when you add a package in catkin_ws

Task-2 (2nd Submission)

Create 3 new terminal windows, the submission must contain a single screenshot with all 3 terminal windows together.


Now you need to launch the given launch file you added in the first task using the following command

roslaunch alpha_challenge move.launch

The turtlesim should move in a straight line.

Now, your task is to modify the code in the python file such that it performs the following subtasks:
